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Degree Requirements

Eastern Kentucky University
College of Justice, Safety & Military Science
School of Justice Studies

Interim Dean
Dr. Derek James Paulsen

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice


General Education …...................................................36 hours

Student Success Seminar (JSO 100; waived for transfers with 30+ hrs.) 1 hour

Writing Intensive Course (Hrs. incorporated into Major/Supporting/Gen Ed/Free Electives category)

Upper division courses (42 hrs. distributed throughout Major/Supporting/Gen Ed/Free Electives categories)

ACCT - Criminal Justice Majors will fulfill ACCT with CRJ 313S, 424, 490, HON 420. PLS 349, or 349(A-N).(Credit hours are incorporated into major requirements below.)

Total Hours University Graduation Requirements........37 hours


Core Courses.......................................................................15 hours

        CRJ 101, 313 or 313S, 331, 388, 400.

CRJ Electives......................................................................27 hours

Select at least one course from each of the three areas: (12 hours must be upper division).

Corrections: CRJ 204, 302, 303 or 360.

Law and Juvenile Justice: PLS 216, PLS 316, PLS 416, CRJ 312, CRJ 314, or CRJ 311.

Policing: PLS 103, 340, 401, 411 or 420.

Supporting Course Requirements....................................9 hours

Select courses from at least two of the following areas in consultation with major advisor: AFA, APP, ENV, HLS, POL, PSY, SJS, SOC, or WGS

Free Electives or Minor.....................................................32 hours

Majors are recommended to include 3 hours (200 level or above) of Foreign language or American Sign Language (ASL) in consultation with their major advisor (ᴳElement 6).

ᴳ = Course also satisfies a General Education element.  Hours are included within the 36 hr. General Education requirement above.




Bachelor of Science in Police Studies



General Education ..................................................... 36 hours

Student Success Seminar (JSO 100; waived for transfers with 30+ hrs) 1 hour

Writing Intensive Course (Hrs. incorporated into Major/Supporting/Gen Ed/Free Electives category)

Upper division courses (42 hrs. distributed throughout Major/Supporting/Gen Ed/Free Electives categories)

ACCT - Police Studies majors will fulfill ACCT with CRJ 313S, 424, 490, HON 420, PLS 349, or 349(A-N).

(Credit hours are incorporated into major requirements below.)

Total Hours University Graduation Requirements... 37 hours



Core Courses................................................................ 24 hours

        CRJ 101, 331, 388, 400; PLS 103, 326, 414, 415.

Major Electives............................................................. 24 hours

        Select from PLS, CRJ or COR electives (12 hours must be upper division courses). 

Supporting Electives.........................................................6-9 hours

        Select 9 hours from: APS 210, EMC 102 or 110, FOR 301, FSE 250, or TRS 332, or a combination to include 3 hours (200 level or above) of Foreign language or American Sign Language (ASL) in consultation with major advisor (ᴳElement 6).

        ᴳ = Course also satisfies a General Education element.  Hours are included within the 36 hr. General Education requirement above.

Free Electives................................................................ 26-29 hours


TOTAL HOURS TO COMPLETE DEGREE......... ...120 hours


Associate of Arts in Police Studies

Standard General Education Program (36 Hours) (Elements 1-6 inclusive, per Section Four of this Catalog). Students should refer to their degreeWorks audit for general Education course selections.  Foreign language (200 level or above) or American Sign language (ASL), selected in consultation with major advisor, is encouraged as a selection to fulfill General Education Element 6.

Student Success Seminar (JSO 100; waived for transfers with 30+ hrs) (1 hour)

Total Hours University Graduation Requirements (37 Hours)

Major Requirements

Core Courses (15 hours)

  • CRJ 101
  • PLS 103
  • PLS 326
  • PLS 414
  • PLS 415

PLS Electives (12 Hours)

  • Select from PLS, CRJ, or COR electives

Total Curriculum Requirements (64 Hours)


For more information please refer to your Undergraduate Catalog

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