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Student Spotlight: Emma Short

Emma Short photo

Name: Emma Short

Major: Criminal Justice

Location: Elizabethtown Community and Technical College


  1. Why did you choose to transfer to Eastern Kentucky University to complete your degree?  

-I chose to transfer to Eastern because of the incredible Criminal Justice program available here! As someone passionate about my education, I knew this was the university I wanted to attend. The convenience of a regional location in the college I transferred from was an added bonus!


2. Can you describe the process of your transfer from (KCTCS, SCC, ECTC, MECC, etc.)  to Eastern Kentucky University?

-The process was quite easy! I received so much help from my campus facilitator and Mr. Kappeler in registering for my classes as I was already admitted. I made an advising appointment with Mr. K and was advised and registered within the day!


3. Why did you select Criminal Justice/Police Studies? I selected criminal justice as my major because the field is something I am incredibly passionate about. I visited a college fair at my high school my junior year and took home a pamphlet about criminal justice from the EKU booth. I knew exactly what I wanted to study from that moment on.


4. Are you aware that any credit hours at EKU above 12 are free (not including online only classes?)

-Yes! Mr. Kappeler, my advisor, made sure to inform me of this before registering for classes! I make sure to take full advantage!


5. Did you find the site helpful in your decision making process?

-Yes! The website was actually how I first learned about the summer field experience/internship classes, leading me to taking them my first summer semester here! I found that it was easy to navigate and access certain materials and forms that I need!


6. Are you aware that EKU at RC&S offers two Nationally Recognized Criminal Justice Organizations?

-I am! I am planning on joining these organizations in the near future!


7. What are your educational goals?

-Once I graduate with my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice I intend to pursue my Master’s Degree! I hope one day to make it all the way up to the Doctorate level with the right discipline and funding!


8. When will you begin your education at Eastern Kentucky University?

-I am currently finishing up my Bachelor’s degree at Eastern Kentucky University. I first enrolled in classes in Fall of 2020.


9. What is your career goal?

-I do not yet have a career goal. A field with so many rewarding options makes it hard to choose! I am hoping that after completing my degrees I will have a good idea of where I want to go!


10. What advice would you give prospective students considering EKU and Criminal Justice/Police Studies?

-Take dual credit classes! EKU offers so many dual credit courses that give you an idea of how the rest of the program will be. Do your research, plan a visit, and don’t be afraid to reach out to learn more about what Criminal Justice has to offer. While it can be tough at times, I love what I study and I recommend it to everyone I can.


11. Is there any specific advice you want to offer your (KCTCS, SCC, ECTC, MECC, etc.)  colleagues who might be interested in transferring to EKU to complete their degree?

-Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask questions. Talk to your campus facilitator, future professors, and current students! I am more than happy to speak to anyone on the fence about continuing their degree at Eastern. Overall, don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone, it paid off well for me.


*If you have any questions regarding the CJ program, please click on the “Contact Us” tab, select your location and fill out the required information.

Published on November 01, 2022

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